Science & Technology Facilities Council -work placements
Science & Technology Facilities Council(STFC). The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is one of Europe’s largest research organisations supporting scientists and engineers world-wide. Activities carried out cover a wide range of science, engineering and technology, including materials science, engineering and instrumentation, particle physics, space science, accelerator based technologies, information technology and e-Science.
They offer work experience placements for year 10, 11 and 12. The placements take place between April and August. You need to apply between September and December. The Laboratories offer one or two week work experience placements to over 60 students each year, many from local schools and mostly year 10.Longer placements for Year 12 students are available over the summer. As far as possible you are placed depending on their interests indicated on the application form. You need to complete their online application form to apply.
The STFC operates on the following sites in the UK:
- Chilbolton Observatory
- Daresbury Laboratory
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- The UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UKATC)
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